Commissioners place moratorium on roadside solicitors


Recent concerns about roadside solicitors through the county were raised by commissioner Ernest Rogers during the special called meeting of the Banks County BOC Thursday morning.

The matter of soliciting in the county was placed on the agenda as an add-on prior to the approval of the agenda, which had only listed possible discussion of personnel and land acquisition.

Rogers stated that in his opinion, one of the groups which has been seen recently claiming to be representing a charity from Kentucky “might not be legal.” Rogers proposed the county place a six-month moratorium on all soliciting along all roads in the county and at the shopping centers.

Commissioner Danny Maxwell questioned if the moratorium would also affect annual charities seen in the county, such as the Relay for Life. The moratorium would affect all soliciting done roadside and at shopping centers.

Rogers responded that if the BOC reached a decision within a month or two on how to handle solicitors the moratorium could be lifted.

The moratorium passed unanimously.

The BOC closed the public portion of the meeting to discuss personnel and land acquisition. After meeting for 35 minutes, the Development Authority was called into the closed meeting. The members of the Development Authority met with the BOC for an hour before exiting. The BOC remained in closed session for another 35 minutes before reopening the meeting to the public.

After reopening the meeting to the public, the BOC chairman Milton Dalton stated that there was nothing to report or disclose from the meeting and accepted a motion to adjourn.

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